So since I have been sitting home and reading really wonderful young adult books from the library like
Begging for Change,
Thirteen Little Blue Envelopes, and
Peeps, I've had time to do things like apply to be
Miss Taiwan. Kind of gross, but let's be real. All this Taiwanese pride and goodness that exudes from my soul must be shared. So I made it the semi-finals (a.k.a. the PAGEANT), which would evoke passionate HUZZAHS and a box of Franzia, but alas. Dorosister is in Taiwan, Sma is going to his cousin's wedding, and I need to muster up $300. Also, they have not asked me if I could commit one year of my life to attend 9 functions when I am not going to be in the North America for a third of the year. My mom wants me to do it (she is so proud. LULZ.) but my dad thinks it is a waste of time. My sister only has replied like two lines, so I do not know. I would rather do it next year when she can be present to shout encouraging words as a do my talent. Also, I do not have a talent. Okay, I have many talents, but none that are show-case-able. I told them I would:
a) Play the guitar and sing a song. In order to do this I need to learn how to play the guitar. And sing. Because let's be real, an acoustic version of Hits from the 90's is not going to fly.
b) Do poetry of some sort. I chose this because I still stand firm in believing that spoken word is pretty easy to do. I am not saying that I do not enjoy it or respect it, but even I can dish out a classic
realize with real eyes the real lies. Gold. Except I also think it would be really exciting to do Nevermore. What can I say, I do love the EPIC.
Okay so that is my life. I am going to go on a walk with my parents and encourage them now. Here is one of my many talents.