Sunday, November 18, 2007

I have done participated in much consumery of late! But really, I've invested in some quality things such as blush!! I really like blush a lot. It goes way back after eighth grade when I found that aZn was not such a good look for me. Or rather, I could not find a solid word that fit me (BbYbUmBlYbOoOpOoPoO is not that cute contrary to your very popular beliefs!). Anyways, I have never bought a nice blush. So I did!!! I tried or several different blushes, but since I knew that I wanted to go with a more grown up color instead of a bright sparkley pink (also because I have this great one already that I bought because Kate Moss was selling it, in the advert not to my face [WOMP WOMP]). Anyways, I like it a lot. Yes. WOW!

I am getting my camera soon. Substantial Posting!

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