Something I have not introduced to the world, alas I have done you wrong, is my love of Coke Slurpees. Recently discovered during this past school year, my relationship with soda (bleh) or ice (bleghhh) has never been the same. I remember my first taste of a coke slurpee, in sixth grade when Burger King offered this amazing wonder. Both a beverage, a dessert, and a pathway to happiness, I tasted the sweet, tangy, and bubbly sensation of an ice cold coke slurpee. A year later, Burger King discontinued their gift to humanity (after the rodeo cheeseburger of course), and I was left thirsty, warm, and pining.
Coke slurpees are amazing. I have at least one a week. In these past few weeks, stranded in the middle of heat waves in San Gabriel, I've turned to these drink several times a week, at least once a day on the hottest days. Like Whitney to Coke, Whitney to Bobby, Dorosister to Grace Young -- NO! All of these are not good enough!!! (Okay, Dorosisiter and Grace Young are the greatest!!!). Coke Slurpees to me and the Sam Ronson to Lilo. Yes. The slightly wrong, but oh so so right delight.
Okay. Jake is coming to pick me up, and though my throat is a bit phlegmy and sore, I will soarrrrr to spectacular for Coke Slurpees. Go in and say "Happy 7-11!!" and have your happy 7.11 ounce slurpee.
Also, if you are planning to hit up several 7-11's, reuse your lid. It's the least you can do.
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