Insane. Crazy. How does Vice do pieces like this? How? What? Crazy!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
So right now I am reading this research article on the influences of Seventeen magazine and YM on adolescent girls. It makes me really pissed. I will admit that I fall guilty of reading these glossy overpriced advice columns. I guess I'm noticing for the first time that all these girls study these and really believe them! It's one of those things you never notice until it's snapped to attention. HO SHIT THOUGH!! It makes me so so mad! YUCK.
Bitch Blog.
Bitch Blog.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
So in Asian American Studies today, we learned about the edict in San Francisco that prompted the Gentleman's Agreement for Japanese immigrants in the US. Basically, in San Francisco, something was issued that said orientals (meaning Chinese and Japanese) could not attend the same schools as white kids. I'm reading all over Asian blogs ( & ) that Trader Joes has decided that they will not provide any food products from China anymore. Really? I mean, really? I can't shop at Abocrombie (did I even spell that right, that's now little I care), I'm wary about H&M (I need tank tops! I need equality!), but now Trader Joes??? I love Trader Joes. But yeah. This reminds me of something that happens on a small scale, but basically turns everything around. Think about that.
My life has been out of order. I forget tiny things. I left my freaking ipod in the Cross!!! I asked Daryl to grab something from my room, but ended up not needing him to go, and forgot to ask for my keys back. I went to see Skeve and left my wallet on my bed in my room! I left my contact case but lugged around my contact solution. They were new contacts!!!
The fires are crazy. I am just so thankful Dorosister is safe.
My life has been out of order. I forget tiny things. I left my freaking ipod in the Cross!!! I asked Daryl to grab something from my room, but ended up not needing him to go, and forgot to ask for my keys back. I went to see Skeve and left my wallet on my bed in my room! I left my contact case but lugged around my contact solution. They were new contacts!!!
The fires are crazy. I am just so thankful Dorosister is safe.

Friday, October 19, 2007
I'm really excited. Not going to lie! This year is shaping out to be so amazing. I have goals for this year! I feel really alive right now. I haven't posted in a while. but here it is. I am counting down 24 hours and it's something like 18 hours!! I don't know. I'm tired and I'm going to read Chaka until I pass out. Jesse Cheng for At-Large Rep!!! I leave you with this. If he can love puppies, so can you!!
Go There NOW!
Go There NOW!
Saturday, October 13, 2007

This is what it looks like to walk back to your bike at 2AM in the rain and know that you have to be up by 8AM at the flagpoles for another retreat. This is what it looks like to have an extension of yourself. This is what tired looks like after hitting up four things and realizing that the last one was the best. This is what the best looks like.
Thursday, October 11, 2007

Finishing the Game
This was amazing. It turned out so well, got APSA out there again, but most importantly. The Asian Pacific Student Association is now known for specific reasons. Roger Fan answered the last question so well. I forget the question (propz to Kevin Kwong), but the answer was so empowering. It was something like Asian Americans need to unify, because that is the only way we can win battles and make change. We give things up, let ourselves be fucked with, in exchange for success and monetary gain. But these people don't want to remember how we've been denied everything. That the reason Asian men are called asexual is because they were denied families. That we are always overlooked because they assume with will just buy in with the white mass market. The sad thing is that we do. But the way that his message was heard by over 90 students who really listened was amazing.

Right there. I met this really cool guy who is a vendor at the vendor fair. I'm going to bring my camera with me more. Woot.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007

This past weekend I went home in what felt like a century. After three weeks of being away, I needed to get away from all this. I want to go home again. These are the blankets that I sleep with at home. The green blanket was the dad's blanket for the two years he was in the Taiwanese Army. The pink blanket is a cover over this beautiful green pattern that I've slept with for as long as I can remember. My mom made this blanket when I was small, and it's been mine since then. The underside of this blanket is yellow. It's covered with this pink cloth now, but it's still the same core. That's it.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
This week has been been discouraging. I'm glad it's hump-day so I know that things will get better. Don't get me wrong, I'm trying to stay positive, but I have learned from today alone that being a student who believes in any sort of cause makes you automatically marginalized. I feel like I've been pouring myself into APSA, and while it has made me love people like no other, it's also been really hard to gain support from everyone else (the man). I hate drama. I don't have any desire to climb a hierarchy of bullshit. I don't want to over throw the student government. I don't want to be the center of attention. And I do not want to jeopardize who I know I am just because of stupid stuff that happens. After being chewed out I walked out the door and starting crying and calling Jesse Cheng who is like gangrene on my leg that I keep wanting to chop off but it will hurt too much and ended up missing the first meeting I set up because I was so upset. I am not that strong of a person. Here it is. I am trying my hardest to be a good friend / organizer / student / partner / sister / leader I can be.
Last night Al did this really great activity where there was a list of over forty values and we had to pick ten narrow it down to five, then four - three - two - one.:
Responsibility and Accountability
Meaningful Work
Ethical Practice
Having a Family
Inner Harmony
I'm putting this here to remind myself of what I value most. This is the way I lead. What better way to get to know me, right.
But on a very positive note, aside from WOW MOM awkwardness, I am so proud of Hip Hop Congress. I went to the meeting and Taha and Geo are amazing. I am so excited for this year, still. It will be majestic!
Here are three things that make me happy:

How fully stocked our fridge is.

Dorosister in the woods with her new red glasses
Last night Al did this really great activity where there was a list of over forty values and we had to pick ten narrow it down to five, then four - three - two - one.:
Responsibility and Accountability
Meaningful Work
Ethical Practice
Having a Family
Inner Harmony
I'm putting this here to remind myself of what I value most. This is the way I lead. What better way to get to know me, right.
But on a very positive note, aside from WOW MOM awkwardness, I am so proud of Hip Hop Congress. I went to the meeting and Taha and Geo are amazing. I am so excited for this year, still. It will be majestic!
Here are three things that make me happy:

How fully stocked our fridge is.

Dorosister in the woods with her new red glasses

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