Saturday, December 15, 2007

I am a blog addict. No, more an internet reader. It is possibly the only reason I have a computer. I spend hours a day pouring over news, how-tos, pictures of lolcats and hipsters. It's kind of disgusting. The reason I am noticing now is that I have not pulled out my planner in three days. I know that all the pages will be blank for the entire day. Nothing from 10AM until 10PM. Absolutely. Empty. It definitely feels really weird. I just sit around. On the internet. Okay, no. With the internet. Reading. I read other books too, about stupid socialites in New York. But yeah, this is my break so far.

Things I Want to Do
Drive on the Freeway
Go to a museum
Ride my bike get food
Ride my bike to the park
Ride my bike
Watch one entire season of King of the Hill
Watch a Movie
Get Wisdom Teeth Pulled

I'll add more later.

1 comment:

RiceIsMyRocketFuel said...

Haha treasure your freedom Grace Young! Like I treasure the Bayness of my Winter Break!

In truth tho, I miss APSA and the crew. =( You know where my heart lies. WITH THE PEOPLE!