I KNOW.. So on a more positive note:
If there is anything to know about Grace Young (since Al so lovingly pointed out that this is a blog about me and getting to know me [and people in my life blah blah]), it is that my favorite to buy anything (almost) is used. My favorite things today, apparently, are parentheses. Do they count as one? A pair? Anyways. I love to buy things used. Give me an entire day to sift through the treasures at the Salvation Army. I can spend hours at Goodwill. I love to dig through what people don't want. Most of the times, there is something that I want. I think the world to too wasteful. No one can really argue with that. But I always inevitably feel this overwhelming sense of guilt when I buy something new. I get the same feeling in my guy when I think that animals

Scarf - One Dollar
I found a scarf just like this a few weeks after sold at H&M. But mine.. is old. It had new tags! It didn't even smell!
Jackets - Three Dollars
Plus, this photo lets you know what I look like completely amused if you don't know me and you want to meet Grace Young. In that case, right-oh.

I hate this dress. It was something like, three things for five bucks at the yard sale at the house across the street from Steven's new place. I hate this dress. It fits just fine. But I hate this dress. It's so amazing it makes me feel like I can live forever. As long as I duck the hate bullets from people with taste and continue to live in refuge as a hipster because this is the hipster death dress. It might be my birthday dress!

Coolest find? Maybe. These shoes were one dollar instead of four because the boy at Goodwill loves how I just make him laugh and laugh and laugh. Hardy har har at the hilaritay.
Peace out.
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