Yesterday on the plane I was shoved between a busy business man who scarfed don't his honey roast peanuts and someone who looked like a full grown Chris Ryan. Square tall white and in a green and white striped polo shirt. I read American Gods and he read the Harvard Business Review. I listened to Curtis and he kept messing with the air vent fan. We talked about glass ceilings for women in the workplace, and his sister who just had her first baby in Texas. He is a business man and one of his buddies likes the show Laguna Beach. He wants to have kids eventually, even though I told him that kids are not sustainable. He was very nice. I hope he can find someone to marry him and complete his perfect OC story. I think he recycles!

This is what my room looks like.

This was my first meal in college that I ate in my apartment. It is leftover Vietnamese food. But it counts.

These are my new grown up glasses that I do not even wear. I put them on this morning but today I think I will try to get dressed and look normal because this slum lord thing is not working so good all the time.

This is me from last summer around the same time when I first for my glasses. I look the same. But my hair is three tiny bits different.
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