My Vote for the upcoming propositions in California.
1A: Yes
2: Yes
3: Yes
4: No
5: Yes
6: No
7: Yes
8: No
9: Yes*
10: Yes*
11: No*
12: Yes*
Note: Does 11 sound crazy gentrification?
*= Not sure. I need to learn more.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
My Prerogative
1) I don't like Rob Schneider.
2) I don't know how I feel about people treating me like I don't know much and believe loosely.
3) I don't like that I have little time for any and everything.
4) I don't like feeling abandoned by the "cross-cultural community".
5) I don't like onion breath.
1) I do like that I know all the lyrics to almost every Britney song. This is cemented by My Prerogative coming up on my Britney station in Pandora.
2) I do like that I am trying to make the most of my time with everyone.
3) I do like thinking about my research paper and getting really good advice and spending good time with cool people.
4) I do like trying to eat better and having really thick strong onion breadth from carne asada.
5) I do like rebuilding old relationships that have grown apart.
6) I do like the blogspot spell check so I do not look a fool.
2) I don't know how I feel about people treating me like I don't know much and believe loosely.
3) I don't like that I have little time for any and everything.
4) I don't like feeling abandoned by the "cross-cultural community".
5) I don't like onion breath.
1) I do like that I know all the lyrics to almost every Britney song. This is cemented by My Prerogative coming up on my Britney station in Pandora.
2) I do like that I am trying to make the most of my time with everyone.
3) I do like thinking about my research paper and getting really good advice and spending good time with cool people.
4) I do like trying to eat better and having really thick strong onion breadth from carne asada.
5) I do like rebuilding old relationships that have grown apart.
6) I do like the blogspot spell check so I do not look a fool.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008

Something I have not introduced to the world, alas I have done you wrong, is my love of Coke Slurpees. Recently discovered during this past school year, my relationship with soda (bleh) or ice (bleghhh) has never been the same. I remember my first taste of a coke slurpee, in sixth grade when Burger King offered this amazing wonder. Both a beverage, a dessert, and a pathway to happiness, I tasted the sweet, tangy, and bubbly sensation of an ice cold coke slurpee. A year later, Burger King discontinued their gift to humanity (after the rodeo cheeseburger of course), and I was left thirsty, warm, and pining.
Coke slurpees are amazing. I have at least one a week. In these past few weeks, stranded in the middle of heat waves in San Gabriel, I've turned to these drink several times a week, at least once a day on the hottest days. Like Whitney to Coke, Whitney to Bobby, Dorosister to Grace Young -- NO! All of these are not good enough!!! (Okay, Dorosisiter and Grace Young are the greatest!!!). Coke Slurpees to me and the Sam Ronson to Lilo. Yes. The slightly wrong, but oh so so right delight.
Okay. Jake is coming to pick me up, and though my throat is a bit phlegmy and sore, I will soarrrrr to spectacular for Coke Slurpees. Go in and say "Happy 7-11!!" and have your happy 7.11 ounce slurpee.
Also, if you are planning to hit up several 7-11's, reuse your lid. It's the least you can do.
Monday, June 30, 2008
So since I have been sitting home and reading really wonderful young adult books from the library like Begging for Change, Thirteen Little Blue Envelopes, and Peeps, I've had time to do things like apply to be Miss Taiwan. Kind of gross, but let's be real. All this Taiwanese pride and goodness that exudes from my soul must be shared. So I made it the semi-finals (a.k.a. the PAGEANT), which would evoke passionate HUZZAHS and a box of Franzia, but alas. Dorosister is in Taiwan, Sma is going to his cousin's wedding, and I need to muster up $300. Also, they have not asked me if I could commit one year of my life to attend 9 functions when I am not going to be in the North America for a third of the year. My mom wants me to do it (she is so proud. LULZ.) but my dad thinks it is a waste of time. My sister only has replied like two lines, so I do not know. I would rather do it next year when she can be present to shout encouraging words as a do my talent. Also, I do not have a talent. Okay, I have many talents, but none that are show-case-able. I told them I would:
a) Play the guitar and sing a song. In order to do this I need to learn how to play the guitar. And sing. Because let's be real, an acoustic version of Hits from the 90's is not going to fly.
b) Do poetry of some sort. I chose this because I still stand firm in believing that spoken word is pretty easy to do. I am not saying that I do not enjoy it or respect it, but even I can dish out a classic realize with real eyes the real lies. Gold. Except I also think it would be really exciting to do Nevermore. What can I say, I do love the EPIC.
Okay so that is my life. I am going to go on a walk with my parents and encourage them now. Here is one of my many talents.
a) Play the guitar and sing a song. In order to do this I need to learn how to play the guitar. And sing. Because let's be real, an acoustic version of Hits from the 90's is not going to fly.
b) Do poetry of some sort. I chose this because I still stand firm in believing that spoken word is pretty easy to do. I am not saying that I do not enjoy it or respect it, but even I can dish out a classic realize with real eyes the real lies. Gold. Except I also think it would be really exciting to do Nevermore. What can I say, I do love the EPIC.
Okay so that is my life. I am going to go on a walk with my parents and encourage them now. Here is one of my many talents.

Yesterday me and Sma watched The Fall. Not one to usually rave about movies, but this movie was really good. The Grace Young review is : Very pretty and a very cute little girl. Also, lots of pretty scenery in a very not LOTR way. Bright colors. Very entertaining. We watched it at the two dollar theater because we are way ballin. But the air conditioner was broken. And there was a grumpy old lady who told us to please be quiet because we raised our fist in unison and thundered Tarsan's name.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
One of my most memorable calls was also one of the grossest.
It was a fetish call. A scat fetish.
I started out by telling him I was a vegan.
I cracked him up. He was laughing so hard, he had to hang up because he couldn't get back into our fantasy.
HAHAHAHA. I have a bunch of questions for real legit vegans. Come forth and let me ask you questions!!!!!!!!!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008

My dad came home today and told me that I am black now -- or I will be in South Africa. My sister (on SKYPE) and I were like.. "Srsly wtf?!". It's here.
Great! Here's to LiL Wayne and ME!!!
You waited this long to stop debating/ Cuz I'm back, I'm on the rag and ovulating.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Dear World,
Grace Young is in the job market. Sunglassses hut is cool. I would like a pair of fancy ones for myself, my mama, my sister, my daddy, and skeven ma. Also, it was neat that you went to Wachovia today and talked with the lady there and she nicely offered you a maybe job if you email her your resume. Only, she gave you the wrong email and you do not bank there.
I hope to go to Irvine tomorrow. I want to watch people dance all night and join in. Also, I need to get stuff done. Also. I am going to bike to Snakey Jakes home now to give him a list of places that are hiring.
It feels nice that you ate okay today. Alrighy roo. That's all buddies.
-Grace Young
(PS: I am aware that when I have nothing real to write, everything sounds really dumb. PEACE!)
Grace Young is in the job market. Sunglassses hut is cool. I would like a pair of fancy ones for myself, my mama, my sister, my daddy, and skeven ma. Also, it was neat that you went to Wachovia today and talked with the lady there and she nicely offered you a maybe job if you email her your resume. Only, she gave you the wrong email and you do not bank there.
I hope to go to Irvine tomorrow. I want to watch people dance all night and join in. Also, I need to get stuff done. Also. I am going to bike to Snakey Jakes home now to give him a list of places that are hiring.
It feels nice that you ate okay today. Alrighy roo. That's all buddies.
-Grace Young
(PS: I am aware that when I have nothing real to write, everything sounds really dumb. PEACE!)
Monday, June 9, 2008
I am sitting on my bed alone in this new apartment. One of the little girls who lives down stairs is yelling for her mom is come because she just pooped. I love it. It's always really strange to come back to a place that you only have known with someone else. I moved in, and less than two hours later Steven Ma was here with me. And now coming back, after finally figuring out how to take the dang bus, to a completely quiet apartment makes me feel unreal. On the plus side, it feels a lot better than living on pins and needles on campus. I'd rather brave a twenty minute bus ride that comes once an hour than walk to some place I can no longer call warm. I can not call my home. This place is ready though. It's brimming with love. Or maybe that is all that I have known here so far, and all that is left behind.
I might make a huge post about my one year weekend. Maybe. Probably not.
But on the plus side, I think her mom finally went over to see it.
I might make a huge post about my one year weekend. Maybe. Probably not.
But on the plus side, I think her mom finally went over to see it.
Friday, May 30, 2008
"I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees." -Emilio Zapata
Life is hard. Grace Young is tired. Grace Young feels alive. I have a lot of papers to write. I spent like, two hours on my Chinese project. Yes. I'm writing now. AFSCME is difficult. I am mixed up about the workers no longer going on strike. I don't think the word disappointment cuts it, because that is selfish and it is about them. I can't help being selfish. I am sleepy. I just feel like I lied to a bunch of students in class room announcements. Like a stole their information for pledge cards and am hoarding them in Ton's backpack. But it is good. I like having a co-intern. I expect that is what it is like to have a co-chair. I just like productivity. I like productive people and healthy eating.
Life is hard. Grace Young is tired. Grace Young feels alive. I have a lot of papers to write. I spent like, two hours on my Chinese project. Yes. I'm writing now. AFSCME is difficult. I am mixed up about the workers no longer going on strike. I don't think the word disappointment cuts it, because that is selfish and it is about them. I can't help being selfish. I am sleepy. I just feel like I lied to a bunch of students in class room announcements. Like a stole their information for pledge cards and am hoarding them in Ton's backpack. But it is good. I like having a co-intern. I expect that is what it is like to have a co-chair. I just like productivity. I like productive people and healthy eating.
Saturday, May 24, 2008

I drew this a while ago, but it's perfectly fitting considering my morning. Woke up at 7, went driving in my car to practice. Brought my grandma to get her blood drawn. Went to eat a Chinese breakfast (totally delicious!). Came back home and took a small nap. Got up and went to the dentist where I proceeded to get my wisdom teeth yanked.

Since then I have been chillin.
Friday, May 23, 2008

So I have been significantly signed out. That and I have been trying to get things together. Between EAP stuff and essays, I haven't had a lot of time off. That, and I have been developing the habit of watching TV. I really like this show Chowder on Cartoon Network, but I don't really get to watch it. It's always on when I have class, or meetings, but when I do I am really excited.
I also watched about two and a half hours of the Real World: Hollywood. While I am very disgusted in myself, I have been thinking that I totally want to go on that show. I would like to go on. Just for the kicks. Maybe. It's just so totally devastatingly disgusting-- I love it.
Aside from that stuff, Jesse and I did the official officer transition stuff. I'm done with it. Well, in the sense that I will no longer be on board. It's freeing.
Okay, so I am going home now. I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow. I am almost a hundred percent sure. But then again, we could have another crazy dentist mishap. Pray no. These babies need to leave!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
I have five minutes left in the space that I allotted myself.
What is the point in being an English Major? Okay, that totally rhetorical. I should be studying a trade. Not how to write B+ papers. I know that English grades are completely arbitrary, but I simply cannot mentally define what a good paper is. I don't know what a good sentence is. This is made clear by my totally un-flowy blurbish shlupt.
Ugh. It was totally worth it though. My voice is heading out the door on a hoarse (ha ha ha) because I chose to heal my soul for the past few days. It's hard to juggle so much, but I know that humans are so fucking resilient and don't you forget it.
Okay. So I totally do not make sense right now. I just wanted to check in. YO!!!!!!
What is the point in being an English Major? Okay, that totally rhetorical. I should be studying a trade. Not how to write B+ papers. I know that English grades are completely arbitrary, but I simply cannot mentally define what a good paper is. I don't know what a good sentence is. This is made clear by my totally un-flowy blurbish shlupt.
Ugh. It was totally worth it though. My voice is heading out the door on a hoarse (ha ha ha) because I chose to heal my soul for the past few days. It's hard to juggle so much, but I know that humans are so fucking resilient and don't you forget it.
Okay. So I totally do not make sense right now. I just wanted to check in. YO!!!!!!
Monday, May 5, 2008

Ages and ages ago, there was a time when darkness, as a concept, was not evil. Darkness was the night, the soil, the strongest trees, the womb. Mysterious but nourishing, alive, full of power. White was for death and sickness. Thousands of years later, civilization, slavery, societal hierarchies, xenophobia, fear of disease and ignorance have flipped the script, so to speak.
Read the entire article here.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
My life is okay. Sometimes I think that I am too stuck in my ways. I should be more open minded and embrace this college experience, but I think I sometimes wish I could reverse progression and growing up in my life. I'm not sure where I am going with this..
So, to liven things up, here is a scary picture I found of Katherine McPhee from an ad on yahoo's weather.
So, to liven things up, here is a scary picture I found of Katherine McPhee from an ad on yahoo's weather.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Soooo I feel kind of bad because I really have signed out of pretty much everything sans APSA. I applied for a job at a store today, and had to send in pictures of myself! Horrible! Whatever though. I do need a job away from what I think is my reality.
I feel very awkward in my current living situation. I am not sure where or when communication and positivity disappeared, but it has just become strained relationships under one roof. I don't feel too bad, I know that I am leaving soon, but this kind of negativity makes me anxious to leave for anything and creates anxiety at the thought of returning "home".
Lately I've allowed negativity to bleed into my personal life. But a weekend home with family make me remember that living with people doesn't have to be drama, but it can be warm and loving. Sma and I talked everything through and through. He is a good person and an ace bf. I'm telling you.
I feel very awkward in my current living situation. I am not sure where or when communication and positivity disappeared, but it has just become strained relationships under one roof. I don't feel too bad, I know that I am leaving soon, but this kind of negativity makes me anxious to leave for anything and creates anxiety at the thought of returning "home".
Lately I've allowed negativity to bleed into my personal life. But a weekend home with family make me remember that living with people doesn't have to be drama, but it can be warm and loving. Sma and I talked everything through and through. He is a good person and an ace bf. I'm telling you.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
This is just a minor thing that I will quickly write about before spending 20 minutes on an essay and biking off to the AFSME meeting:
For one summer session, they only allow you to take 10 units in total. Five weeks, ten unites. While I understand why they would put a cap (so that students can actually pass), I find it pretty fucking ridic that there is one! Units are so expensive!!! But there is a note that the UC is encouraging people to take summer sessions because they will only charge you for 8 units.
NEWFLASH. It does matter how many units you take! UC's don't charge you by units! Community colleges do! I should be allowed to take a bazillion units if I want to and can prove that I can do it. I want to take 12 units. I'm going to see my counselor tomorrow morning. Thank GOD she loves me.
Summer session 2. H8 Irvine. Sort of. KAY!
For one summer session, they only allow you to take 10 units in total. Five weeks, ten unites. While I understand why they would put a cap (so that students can actually pass), I find it pretty fucking ridic that there is one! Units are so expensive!!! But there is a note that the UC is encouraging people to take summer sessions because they will only charge you for 8 units.
NEWFLASH. It does matter how many units you take! UC's don't charge you by units! Community colleges do! I should be allowed to take a bazillion units if I want to and can prove that I can do it. I want to take 12 units. I'm going to see my counselor tomorrow morning. Thank GOD she loves me.
Summer session 2. H8 Irvine. Sort of. KAY!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

So these past few days have been way better. I think that there is an energy that comes from the razzle dazzle of campaigns and crazy referendums. I appreciate how people can out when there is real tangible work with results that seem quite possible. I'm just thankful for amazing friends and family from different campus and at UCI that are stepping up now.
I've been focusing on friendships outside of work. Or what I consider work. My work. I think it's really good to heal outside, and have these outside perspectives. But I think often I'm too tired to say much. In a good way. It helps me be a better listener, and that something I've always tried to work on.
It's hard when I see people in relations that mirror what I had before. I don't want to be bossy, deny people experience that are validly theirs, but I don't like to see this repetition of sadness. I don't like people being lonely.
I think that I feel sad when I notice that I am alone. But I am not really alone. I don't think that I am leave behind able. You know?
I love the way things have been going. Granted, it's only Tuesday night, but if these good vibes can keep going until the end of the year, I'll be happy. Or happier. Happy.
I've been really just feeling instead of thinking lately. It's about positive energy and good auras instead of calculated conversations that leave more out that in. It's this inclusive love thing. I don't know. I've been spitting some stupid ass shit in these past few days, but I've been feeling it. Okay!
I'm just good. Good.. Good.
Thank you.
Friday, April 4, 2008
It's not as hidden as it was last quarter. Everyone knows that I am burned out. And I think that sucks. It's not that everyone can see me tired, I'd rather have it that way so people will stop loading things into my planner, but that I am tired.
This quarter, I am really going to focus on taking care of myself. I feel like I say it every quarter, but maybe this time I will really be able to stick to my promise.
I think was makes things the most difficult is wondering whether after I get myself back to me (it sounds funny), if I will be jaded and resistant to taking action, knowing that I burn out. To be honest, I didn't think I would. September of this year, I thought that I could do everything. But school, relationships, family. It all takes it toll on one person. I'm only taking 13 units this quarter, a stark comparison to my 24 units in the fall. I have less meetings, more events, fewer readings, but more anxiety. I started this quarter in a panic.
It's hard to know what you believe in when people are trying to force you to believe in the world. I feel like I don't really know anything. I just know middle pictures. Like, I can't see the bigger picture. And I definitely do not know the details.
I have plans. Instead of being so open, I've learned to keep things to myself. Next year will be different, and I'll grow in different ways. Don't get me wrong, this year has made me grow. I've learned a lot, but nothing real. Or at least I feel like that sometimes. I don't know. I don't want to go into complete self analysis mode right now, it's annoying.
So it's like ghosts of last year are freaking me out now. After learning that DiPhung is going to talk to Alex, I have like, waves of mixed emotions. I feel like I deserted him. I feel like I ran away, into the arms of the most amazing person, but I left him for dead.
This quarter, I am really going to focus on taking care of myself. I feel like I say it every quarter, but maybe this time I will really be able to stick to my promise.
I think was makes things the most difficult is wondering whether after I get myself back to me (it sounds funny), if I will be jaded and resistant to taking action, knowing that I burn out. To be honest, I didn't think I would. September of this year, I thought that I could do everything. But school, relationships, family. It all takes it toll on one person. I'm only taking 13 units this quarter, a stark comparison to my 24 units in the fall. I have less meetings, more events, fewer readings, but more anxiety. I started this quarter in a panic.
It's hard to know what you believe in when people are trying to force you to believe in the world. I feel like I don't really know anything. I just know middle pictures. Like, I can't see the bigger picture. And I definitely do not know the details.
I have plans. Instead of being so open, I've learned to keep things to myself. Next year will be different, and I'll grow in different ways. Don't get me wrong, this year has made me grow. I've learned a lot, but nothing real. Or at least I feel like that sometimes. I don't know. I don't want to go into complete self analysis mode right now, it's annoying.
So it's like ghosts of last year are freaking me out now. After learning that DiPhung is going to talk to Alex, I have like, waves of mixed emotions. I feel like I deserted him. I feel like I ran away, into the arms of the most amazing person, but I left him for dead.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
I've been hanging out on the internet, trying to be a productive member of this 10101 community. Here are some cool things I've found:
It's like, this person who takes pictures of food. But with a twist! It's packaged food! She (I think..) takes pictures of the packaging and what it's "supposed" to look like and what the food looks like in reality. It's awesome!
So when I went to Sad Diego, I met Dorosister's freegan friend. He is a communist and really spacy. I love it! It's so bomb. Well, it got me thinking. I have this cool boyfriend who likes to go through garbage as well. I got this link from him, but I am thinking about it more and more. Especially as I think about where money really grows from!!!
It better be a call for some ass!!!!!!
I think the link is pretty clear.
Okay. Okay.
What are you reading?
It's like, this person who takes pictures of food. But with a twist! It's packaged food! She (I think..) takes pictures of the packaging and what it's "supposed" to look like and what the food looks like in reality. It's awesome!
So when I went to Sad Diego, I met Dorosister's freegan friend. He is a communist and really spacy. I love it! It's so bomb. Well, it got me thinking. I have this cool boyfriend who likes to go through garbage as well. I got this link from him, but I am thinking about it more and more. Especially as I think about where money really grows from!!!
It better be a call for some ass!!!!!!
I think the link is pretty clear.
Okay. Okay.
What are you reading?
Monday, March 24, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
I was doing so well with the posting but then I stopped bcuz I was temporarily distracted by Dorosister for like, one point less than that weeks. UGH! JKLOL I love my sister. She is vair hilaritay! Okays. This is my posticles. I am mas tired and aboot to go to sleep. I am kind of sort of sunburns all over & it's pretz wondarfullz. I love it. Today I bought a dress so that Sma can take me to go eat sum delish food. I am totz egg-cited for delish food even though tonites I feels kind of sick bcuz I ate too much meat of lately. YUCK. But allz well. I should go to sleep soon okay!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is your daily dose o Dorosister! Welcome 2 my life!!!!!!!!

LULZ. She is a loon!!!!!!
Here is your daily dose o Dorosister! Welcome 2 my life!!!!!!!!
LULZ. She is a loon!!!!!!
Monday, March 17, 2008

Here are Cheap Monday Skyscrapers. They are the magical pants that made me love fancier denim again. I saw them months ago and ordered them from the internetz. Only to discover that either these jeans run real small or I had grown real large. Online, they ran out of any bigger sizes, so I went to the store to try and see if they had any bigger sizes. I looked and they didn't so instead I exchanged them for another pair of Cheap Mondays. All was good, until I went to Santa Monica and got another pair on sale from Active. I didn't like the blue color, so I went to another Active and exchanged them for a black pair that was not on sale because the blue ones hadn't gone on sale in this store yet. So I wore these new black Cheap Mondays for a few weeks. Then, today. Dorosister and I went to Buffalo where I found a fantastic pair of high waisted shorts. We decided to stop at the store that I had gotten my first pair of Cheap Mondays from and low and behold there was a pair of Skyscrapers ON SALE in my size. Which is a 28. So I told Doro to run to the car and get me my shorts. I put the shorts on. Took my first pair of black Cheap Mondays to Buffalo. Sold them. And walked myself back to buy the pair of Skyscrapers. That is the story.

Here is a picture of Dorosister about to sleep to make up for my shameless consumerism and disgusting habits of spending money and pining for material objects that I convince myself will make me happy. And they do. So SUCK IT!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Chinese is kicking my mindful ass so unbelievably hard. I've been writing character on page after page and trying to memorize each of these stupid words! I really hope that at the end of two years I will look back and think "Gee, I am glad that I know all these words" because otherwise I will be pretty pissed.
I feel lonely here. It doesn't happen that often, so I'm not sulking or anything. I miss my sister. I miss Jacob Pierce. He sent me this beautiful mix tape that he drew all over. I can't wait to listen to it, but I don't want to bother sticking it in my computer. Instead, I waste time by writing how I am wasting time. UGH!
I hear, through the time lapse between songs, my other two apartment mates laughing and talking. It's unfair. I want someone to keep me company. Okay, that is a lie. I do enjoy having a room to myself all the time so I can eat stinky foods in my sweatpants. I want a culturally appropriate room mate so I can talk about pho and curry that is so sweet and spicy. I want someone who eats tofu!! I want to be in a house with people who eat tofu!! Other than that though, but apartment mates are very nice and friendly! I am talking about them like we just met. I've lived with them for a long time.
Two days ago was me and Sma's 9 month tri-quarterversary. I am really more excited than I read. I think. UGH.
Okay, I think it's pretty much time for me to turn in. I am going to see Dorosister this weekend and expect that I will get no fucking work done. It's okay though. It's the price I pay to have someone who knows me like the way I know.. NOT CHINESE!
Friday, March 7, 2008
So.. I'm feeling kind of accomplished and grown up right now. I am trying to get my shit together for real. I am really working hard in school, even though I'm taking the time away from studying Chinese to write this. At the moment, I feel like I'm in a good place. I just got everything (SAR, letter of rec, form, transcript [okay, I'm getting that tomorrow] & statement about what it means to be an Asian American) together for this OCAPICA scholarship. It feels grown up. I am taking time (or as much as I can manage) away from Irvine (and by Irvine I mean everything outside of me and schoolwork) and trying to really focus on making myself more at peace with everything. I mean not stressing over APSA continuously, not worrying about Hip Hop Congress, not letting all this Umbrella Council stuff faze me, just being good with everything, you know?
These past few months I've been way too stressed out. My period is going to be normal (the pill can't even regulate my life) and I am going to cook amazing things to eat. This next week, I'm going to focus on burrrrritos and making warm and flavorful fillings to be wrapped in soft and slightly sweet tortillas.
My ipod fixed itself (after being plugged into my computer saying that it is broken broken broken for 12 houors) and now I listen to John Legend - Stay With You on repeat because it makes me feel like everything will be alright. I feel like my relationships with people outside of orgs and whatnot are growing. I love my sister. I love her so much. She was so insistent today on telling me about the subtle nuances of Ray-Jay, why Mariah Carey is so great, and about traffic.
So this is my life.
These past few months I've been way too stressed out. My period is going to be normal (the pill can't even regulate my life) and I am going to cook amazing things to eat. This next week, I'm going to focus on burrrrritos and making warm and flavorful fillings to be wrapped in soft and slightly sweet tortillas.
My ipod fixed itself (after being plugged into my computer saying that it is broken broken broken for 12 houors) and now I listen to John Legend - Stay With You on repeat because it makes me feel like everything will be alright. I feel like my relationships with people outside of orgs and whatnot are growing. I love my sister. I love her so much. She was so insistent today on telling me about the subtle nuances of Ray-Jay, why Mariah Carey is so great, and about traffic.
So this is my life.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
1)I just finished writing a paper the day before it's due (okay.. it's past one but if you are counting you suck) for the first time this year.
2)Sickness is coming and I know it. My nose is stuffy and drippy at the same time.
3)I totz adored Steven Ma for liking girls who pick at their toes and promising to one day own a shawarma machine. What a doll!
4)Tonight I made a vegetarian pizza for me and my friend Melissa Chan to eat. She brought over apple pie from Trader Joes and I love it.
5)I also made a delicious bacon, baby spinach, and chedder cheese calzone that is so delicious it's scary.
6)For lunch Miss Jenn Pae and thank-you-Power-Pac bought me really delish Gypsy Den. We shared an Apple Crisp. I love appley desserts.
7)I suck at Chinese a lot.
8)I'm going to end at this good luck number and sleep. Night!

This is me and Sma at the Scientology Museum place. If I am killed, it was Tom Cruise.
2)Sickness is coming and I know it. My nose is stuffy and drippy at the same time.
3)I totz adored Steven Ma for liking girls who pick at their toes and promising to one day own a shawarma machine. What a doll!
4)Tonight I made a vegetarian pizza for me and my friend Melissa Chan to eat. She brought over apple pie from Trader Joes and I love it.
5)I also made a delicious bacon, baby spinach, and chedder cheese calzone that is so delicious it's scary.
6)For lunch Miss Jenn Pae and thank-you-Power-Pac bought me really delish Gypsy Den. We shared an Apple Crisp. I love appley desserts.
7)I suck at Chinese a lot.
8)I'm going to end at this good luck number and sleep. Night!

This is me and Sma at the Scientology Museum place. If I am killed, it was Tom Cruise.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I realize that I have not done introductions to new people in my life in a while. So to make up, here are four!!

This is the Aloe plant that Dorosister gave me for post V-day. It is pretty and I like it. I wanted a Cactus plant from Sma, but because he does not believe I can keep anything alive (a$$hol3) he got me..

I wanted a little pet and a cactus and he got me a mix! I know, I UGH tokidoki all the time because that man is a pinkerton to the MAXXXXX! But I like these two new friend because they are cute and watch me watch TV which has lately been a lot of King of the Hill and Spongebob (which is anything I have UGHed for long but bless the creators for making 15 minute episodes).
Finally, I won this cool calender from the CCC's winter solstice and I decided to post my calender picture every month.

And I leave you one final picture of my beautiful aloe vera plant that will heal everything!


This is the Aloe plant that Dorosister gave me for post V-day. It is pretty and I like it. I wanted a Cactus plant from Sma, but because he does not believe I can keep anything alive (a$$hol3) he got me..

I wanted a little pet and a cactus and he got me a mix! I know, I UGH tokidoki all the time because that man is a pinkerton to the MAXXXXX! But I like these two new friend because they are cute and watch me watch TV which has lately been a lot of King of the Hill and Spongebob (which is anything I have UGHed for long but bless the creators for making 15 minute episodes).
Finally, I won this cool calender from the CCC's winter solstice and I decided to post my calender picture every month.

And I leave you one final picture of my beautiful aloe vera plant that will heal everything!

Monday, February 18, 2008
I'm watching the Fairy Odd Parents movie Fairly Odd Baby. It is funny.
Dorosister posts cool things on her blog.
Here is a high light of the weekend that she has not beaten me to posting. Here is my and Sma sticking a canister of tea into our nostrils!

Here is thee update DOROSISTER.
Dorosister posts cool things on her blog.
Here is a high light of the weekend that she has not beaten me to posting. Here is my and Sma sticking a canister of tea into our nostrils!

Here is thee update DOROSISTER.
Monday, February 4, 2008
This is pretty amazing. I am not endorsing Obamz, I just thought this was mega hilar!
Zokay. My life is good. I like wearing vests and eating oranges. I am trying to take care of myself for I feel a sick coming on that is not welcome! I like my bike and I am doing poll monitoring tomorrow morning early early but it is for my community and I am proud to be an American! Wooo hOOOOO!! Okay. I'm going to go eat some biscotti now and tell myself that I can make a difference!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
For more coverage of Dennis Kucinich, go to the Openers blog.
Strength through Peace. Be still my heart.
EDWARDS 08! But mostly half-heartedly.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
It is raining and I am waiting for my Kucinich pins to come in the mail. I just checked, and I guess they are all emptying inventory (I know, but I still like him), because pins are a dollar each now. It's cool. I'm not that super big on this election stuff. I think I may be just riding the hype, but it's pretty fun so I'll stay.
Life right now is pretty good. It's busy, but good. I am just trying to stay positive, mostly. It gets kind of hard when I don't really have my own time to sit around and chew on things and watch VH1 and whatnot. I'm alright with it. I think that having an excess of time on my hand just makes me a big fat procrastinator. For instance, today. For the first time since, well, since I can't remember. I've had a 5 1/2 hour break in between stuff and what did I do? NOTHING. It feels nice. Refreshing, like I can face four hours of meetings (probably) tonight. I'm going to bring a book. Hopefully things work out. For the most part, I'm just signing hands off a lot. I have to study and damn it, I want to get good grades!
On that note. I miss my family a lot. The correlation between family and grades? I don't really think there is one. I'm just a really, sporadic (???) thinker today. Yeah. Okay.
Here are some fantastic quality photos from this weekend. I am excited for this weekend. Sort of. Kind of. It'll be fun to dress up with APSA and meet people and eat free (but not freedom!) food (catered by Aramark -- BOOOO!). Okay. Okay.

Life right now is pretty good. It's busy, but good. I am just trying to stay positive, mostly. It gets kind of hard when I don't really have my own time to sit around and chew on things and watch VH1 and whatnot. I'm alright with it. I think that having an excess of time on my hand just makes me a big fat procrastinator. For instance, today. For the first time since, well, since I can't remember. I've had a 5 1/2 hour break in between stuff and what did I do? NOTHING. It feels nice. Refreshing, like I can face four hours of meetings (probably) tonight. I'm going to bring a book. Hopefully things work out. For the most part, I'm just signing hands off a lot. I have to study and damn it, I want to get good grades!
On that note. I miss my family a lot. The correlation between family and grades? I don't really think there is one. I'm just a really, sporadic (???) thinker today. Yeah. Okay.
Here are some fantastic quality photos from this weekend. I am excited for this weekend. Sort of. Kind of. It'll be fun to dress up with APSA and meet people and eat free (but not freedom!) food (catered by Aramark -- BOOOO!). Okay. Okay.

Saturday, January 19, 2008
Dennis Kucinich for President.
Dennis Kucinich for President 2008!
I don't like it when people tell me that if I vote for him, I will waste my vote. Everyone I've talked to (pretty much) agrees that in the "ideal world", he would win. But since everyone else is voting Obama or Hilary, Kucinich has no chance. I think that is bull. If people who really believed in universal single payer health care and education as a priority and getting out of Iraq now voted according to their politics and beliefs instead of razzle dazzle, Dennis Kucinich would win. I bought pins for Kucinich. I want him as my president!
Okay. Well. I don't want to be entirely biased. Even if I am and this is my blog so therefor it can be.
That is a pretty neat little function computer thing. Figure it out friends.
Strength through Peace
I don't like it when people tell me that if I vote for him, I will waste my vote. Everyone I've talked to (pretty much) agrees that in the "ideal world", he would win. But since everyone else is voting Obama or Hilary, Kucinich has no chance. I think that is bull. If people who really believed in universal single payer health care and education as a priority and getting out of Iraq now voted according to their politics and beliefs instead of razzle dazzle, Dennis Kucinich would win. I bought pins for Kucinich. I want him as my president!
Okay. Well. I don't want to be entirely biased. Even if I am and this is my blog so therefor it can be.
That is a pretty neat little function computer thing. Figure it out friends.
Strength through Peace
Friday, January 11, 2008
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Monday, January 7, 2008
That's pretty freaking cool. But not as cool as Dennis Kucinich.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
I'm padding around this apartment. The carpet is warmer than the air outside. Its a beautiful solitary day, with little humor outside of the excessive text messaging and phone conversation with my sister. I ache for something. Not an ache that is painful & unbearable, but for some love on this campus. It is a lonely place. Filled with noise and sounds that don't settle well with me. There are too many people to try and no one left to really notice. Instead, in 1023 E, I am alone. I can't believe I left home. My home where the walls are built invisible because everyone talks and communicates and tells each other -- shows each other that we really care. I think about my love, spread for miles as a hopeful sheet of protection. Guarding those who have won my heart. It's a maternal vibe, I guess. One that come around once a month to remind me that parts of me are very much alive. So while I walk around this too perfectly coordinated space, I force myself to think about people I love, instead of being with them. It's so damn hard to be in Irvine.

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